uMatrix Ruleset

Getting started with uMatrix with ease!

Vrooboo! Wabbo!!

You may wonder the why uMatrix is still necessary even if you have checked I am an advanced user on uBlock Origin’s dashboard and added * * 3p block, * * 3p-script block, * * 3p-frame blockas permanent custom rules toward uBlock Origin.

By applying with those preferences, you are toggling Hard Mode of uBlock Origin.

uMatrix concentrates on, conclusively, elements control while uBlock Origin handles domain control & precise request filtering. This explains as:

Elements Control

On any video playing page on YouTube, you will find YouTube comment area is block by both uMatrix or uBlock Origin Hard Mode. To restore the facility, you shall:

In both way, you will be able to use comment area on YouTube again. But clearly uMatrix has more ability on elements control.

Precise Request Filtering

uBlock Origin has a trunk of built-in rules subscriptions and is compatible with rules under all types of AdBlock Plus syntax. uMatrix has, clearly, poor ability on this.

Take the previous case as an example, you can only allow or block all scripts from with uMatrix. But uBlock Origin allows you block any number of them. To achieve that, simply create a custom rule on My Rules tab on uBlock Origin’s dashboard or utilize element picker or any other convenient built-in tools.


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